Thursday, January 28, 2016

My Mouth

James 3:10

"Out of the same mouth come forth blessing and cursing. These things, my brethren, ought not to be so."

Whose mouth is Brother James talking about? A Born-Again person... Who has acknowledged Jesus Christ Is God Come In The Flesh... Has been given authority to speak to trees and tell them to jump in the lake... So you can only believe in all authority Jesus was given over Everything That Is; and according to 1 John 4:17; 
"In this [union and communion with Him] love is brought to completion and attains perfection with us, that we may have confidence for the day of judgment [with assurance and boldness to face Him], because as He is, so are we in this world." 

So have we, because of Christ and our believing In Him... What we speak can happen...


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I Am Jesus's Property

Titus 1:1

"PAUL, A bond servant of God and an apostle (a special messenger) of Jesus Christ (the Messiah) to stimulate and promote the faith of God’s chosen ones and to lead them on to accurate discernment and recognition of and acquaintance with the Truth which belongs to and harmonizes with and tends to godliness,"

"I Belong To Jesus..." Is a praise song we sang at Church on The Rock Nederland Texas. Ken Bent the worship leader got all excited and would light up when he lead this song.... We all did too! It gave us a position to take, a place of knowing Who we belong to... Here in this passage Paul was saying the same thing... " I Belong To Jesus, I am His Bond Servant..." Like John said as well in 1 John 4:17; "As Christ is in this world, so are we..."
We are to stimulate, promote in our faith in what Jesus Has Done at the Cross, before The Cross, and when He went to hell as our sin, and was Empowered by The Holy Spirit to strip Satan of our souls... Satan is soulless.... Jesus has been given "All Authority!" He has given us authority over all the powers that be against that Truth! So go and get in harmony With Jesus' Righteous in you... And if you don't belong to Jesus... Change your mind and tell you want Him now!!!!

PJCopty belongs to Jesus

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Make My River Flow Like Oil

Ezekiel 32:14-15

"Then will I make their waters sink down (subside, be quiet, and become clear); their rivers I will cause to run [slowly and smoothly] like oil, says the Lord God.
When I make the land of Egypt desolate, and the country is stripped and destitute of all that of which it was full when I smite all those who dwell in it, then will they know, understand, and realize that I am the Lord [the Sovereign Ruler, Who requires and calls forth loyalty and obedient service]."

The Lord Is Soon to come get me... But while I am occupying here In The Kingdom of God, Jesus Will flow like Oil out of me as A River of Light... 
Smoothly He will minister His Peace, with perfect righteousness He will live out of me, and with Holy Ghost love will my heart speak!
Even so Lord Jesus Come... 
"The Bride and The Spirit says Come."


Monday, January 25, 2016

May He Forgive

Joel 2:14-15

"Who knows but what He will turn, revoke your sentence [of evil], and leave a blessing behind Him [giving you the means with which to serve Him], even a cereal or meal offering and a drink offering for the Lord, your God?

Blow the trumpet in Zion; set apart a fast [a day of restraint and humility]; call a solemn assembly."

Who knows, Jesus Is Forgiveness! Me!!!!! 
I am forgiven, redeemed by The Blood of The Lamb. And He has turned my mourning into dancing for Him... He took my sack cloths of shame off me and gave me a mantle of praise!!!! I will blow a trumpet of my VOICE... Saying; "How Great Thy Art!"


Sunday, January 24, 2016

Making A Mantle For Prosperity

Ruth 3:14-18

"And she lay at his feet until the morning, but arose before one could recognize another; for he said, Let it not be known that the woman came to the threshing floor.
Also he said, Bring the mantle you are wearing and hold it. So [Ruth] held it, and he measured out six measures of barley and laid it on her. And she went into the town.
And when she came home, her mother-in-law said, How have you fared, my daughter? And Ruth told her all that the man had done for her.
And she said, He gave me these six measures of barley, for he said to me, Do not go empty-handed to your mother-in-law.
Then said she, Sit still, my daughter, until you learn how the matter turns out; for the man will not rest until he finishes the matter today."

Ruth was wearing her mantle, her covering in those days told stories of her prospects in wealth, education and position...

I am Standing Still, and Seeing The Hand of my Husband, Fight for me...


Saturday, January 16, 2016

Thank You Jesus

Psalms 138:1-8:

A David psalm

"Thank you! Everything in me says "Thank you!"
Angels listen as I sing my thanks.
I kneel in worship facing your holy temple
and say it again: "Thank you!"
Thank you for your love,
thank you for your faithfulness;
Most holy is your name,
most holy is your Word.
The moment I called out, you stepped in;
you made my life large with strength.
When they hear what you have to say, God,
all earth's kings will say "Thank you."
They'll sing of what you've done:
"How great the glory of God!"
And here's why: God, high above, sees far below;
no matter the distance, he knows everything about us.
When I walk into the thick of trouble,
keep me alive in the angry turmoil.
With one hand
strike my foes,
With your other hand
save me.
Finish what you started in me, God.
Your love is eternal—don't quit on me now."

Thank You Jesus for giving me Your Life, Sending to Live in me Your Holy Spirit, Who won't quit on me! Thank You for Being A Faithful God Who Gave His Only Begotten Son, to die for me! Thank You Jesus for giving up Your Will for Daddy's Will!


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Pour Your Heart Out To The Master

Lamentations 2:16-19

"But now your enemies gape, slack-jawed.
Then they rub their hands in glee: "We've got them!
We've been waiting for this! Here it is!"
God did carry out, item by item, exactly what he said he'd do.
He always said he'd do this. Now he's done it—torn the place down.
He's let your enemies walk all over you, declared them world champions!
Give out heart-cries to the Master, dear repentant Zion.
Let the tears roll like a river, day and night,
and keep at it—no time-outs. Keep those tears flowing!
As each night watch begins, get up and cry out in prayer.
Pour your heart out face to face with the Master.
Lift high your hands. Beg for the lives of your children
who are starving to death out on the streets."

The prophet is lamenting over all the decisions the people made against God. God had warned them to make a choice and choose Him over His enemies. They, His People did not. So, He let them go to their choice. They were in anguish because of their friends were turning on them, and God was no longer protecting them. 


Sunday, January 10, 2016

Today In His Presence

2 Timothy 2:14-20

"Repeat these basic essentials over and over to God's people. Warn them before God against pious nitpicking, which chips away at the faith. It just wears everyone out. Concentrate on doing your best for God, work you won't be ashamed of, laying out the truth plain and simple. Stay clear of pious talk that is only talk. Words are not mere words, you know. If they're not backed by a godly life, they accumulate as poison in the soul. Hymenaeus and Philetus are examples, throwing believers off stride and missing the truth by a mile by saying the resurrection is over and done with.
Meanwhile, God's firm foundation is as firm as ever, these sentences engraved on the stones:
god knows who belongs to him.
spurn evil, all you who name god as god.
In a well-furnished kitchen there are not only crystal goblets and silver platters, but waste cans and compost buckets—some containers used to serve fine meals, others to take out the garbage."

The Lord Is saying to me to watch who I listen to, hang around with, how I say I am living, and remind my other brothers and sisters about "Keeping The Faith."

There are many of us who know we have Jesus Alive, living His Life actively in our hearts and minds.... He daily regenerates our wisdom in Him by our faith in His Finished Work at Calvary... 

Keep Jesus Alive by His Faith released in your Heart, by The Holy Ghost!


Monday, January 4, 2016

Will of God, Be Salty

"Matthew 5:13-16

Salt and Light
"Let me tell you why you are here. You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You've lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage."
"Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven."

We are to Be, once we agree that Jesus Is Real, to be really "Salty," on earth. With The Light of His coming into our lives, we add flavor to others lives...

Be It Known... I am very "Salty..."
