Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Preaching With A Party Spirit

Philippians 1:15-18
"Some, it is true, [actually] preach Christ (the Messiah) [for no better reason than] out of envy and rivalry (party spirit), but others are doing so out of a loyal spirit and goodwill.
The latter [proclaim Christ] out of love, because they recognize and know that I am [providentially] put here for the defense of the good news (the Gospel).
But the former preach Christ out of a party spirit, insincerely [out of no pure motive, but thinking to annoy me], supposing they are making my bondage more bitter and my chains more galling.
But what does it matter, so long as either way, whether in pretense [for personal ends] or in all honesty [for the furtherance of the Truth], Christ is being proclaimed? And in that I [now] rejoice, yes, and I shall rejoice [hereafter] also."

Paul is talking to the Phillipians, and he said there are some of them just preaching Jesus out of aggression. 
Some preach Him because of their love and loyalty to Him. But he was telling them, at least He Is preached, He Is being proclaimed.... I and Paul agree! Jesus Is Lord, He Is Worthy, He Is coming to get me!!!!!


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